Tag Archives: military sci-fi

Meet author Nathaniel Danes

Today I am delighted to have the author, Nathaniel Danes, on my blog. Nathaniel’s latest military science fiction novel is due for release tomorrow (20th April). BattleMaster Cover Art (1)

So, Nathaniel, what is the  title of your latest book? 

My latest novel, BattleMaster, is the first in a new trilogy, BattleMaster Corps. The foundation of the story is a future where women’s naturally superior multi-tasking abilities allow them to become the masters of the modern battlefield and where they treat men kinda like the women on “Mad Men.”

 What are the most challenging aspects of being a writer? 

Getting your book noticed. The e-book revolution has been great for a small publishing company like mine. I’d likely never have been published under the old business models, but there isn’t much of a  marketing budget behind you.

And the most rewarding? The most rewarding is when you read a review from someone who enjoyed your story. That’s a great feeling.

What is your top tip for an aspiring writer?

I tell anyone that is interested in writing you have to do two things. LIVE and WRITE. Never stop with both and you will be amazed at the worlds you will be able to create with your imagination.

What are you working on at the moment?

On Chapter 15 of the next installment of the BattleMaster Corps Trilogy, BattleSwarm.

What do you like to read?

History and science fiction. I’ve just finished A Short History of Nearly Everything which is a non-fiction history of scientific discovery, and before that, Stranger in a Strange Land. I know…it has taken me awhile to get to that one.

Where can readers find you?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nathaniel-Danes/1528587637363979

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nathanieldanes

Blog: http://nathanieldanes.blogspot.com/

Website: www.nathanieldanesauthor.com

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/nathanieldanes

Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/BattleMaster-Corps-Book-1-ebook/dp/B06XNTTQPN

Thank you, Nathaniel. And for those who want to find out more about the author and his new book, I have included a short excerpt, blurb, and author bio.

Excerpt: His eyes shifted toward his own line. That’s when he saw her, saw the BattleMaster. The twin moons stood at her back, illuminating her presence with a mystical glow. She was alone on the ridge but not for long.

Eight machines-of-war, battle-drones, emerged along her side. Half were small tracked vehicles with twin fifty-calibers and rocket launchers on a turret. The rest looked like six-legged spiders with a ball-shaped laser cannon and mortar tube on top. She flung her arms forward and her minions erupted.

Blurb: It’s a women’s army, men are privileged to catch bullets in it. Private Michael Stanner is continuously reminded of that fact but he refuses to give up. He will fight for victory and the chance to become something more. That is, if he can avoid getting killed on New Calcutta.

Members of the all female BattleMaster  Corps are the elite warriors of the modern battlefield. Their naturally superior multitasking abilities allows them to control teams of drones in combat more effectively than any man through neural links.

The Corps is the cornerstone of the American colonists’ decades long struggle for dominance in the Eden System. As three powers fight for control of a terraformed world left vacant by the mysterious disappearance of the Indian colony ship, questions linger about the true motivation for the war.

Bio: Nathaniel Danes is a self-diagnosed sci-fi junkie and, according to his wife, has an over active imagination. Mostly blind, he writes to create universes where he has no limitations. He lives with his wife and daughter in the Washington, DC area.